
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Too many knobs in sport?

Well time to get this show on the road.  I thought I might get things rolling with a spiel about the rapidly rising number of sportsmen that appear to be absolute wankers....or something similar.

True the media does go over the top every now and then, but it appears that there are more and more of our sporting heroes popping up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Don't get me wrong; I love to get on the gas, fight with bouncers, do runners from cabs, make racist remarks, mistreat women, gamble away my life savings, drink and drive, go on the occasional drug fuelled rampage,  hook up with my 15 mistresses,  fix football matches,  tamper with my balls, break a racket and be a petulant arsehole with the best of them....but come on...I'm not a professional athlete!

What causes the modern sports star to behave this way?  Money?  Fame?  Lack of a real job or real responsibility.  I'm not sure, because there are far more legends in the same boat, that do the right things and are pillars of the community, but their "normal" behaviour doesn't sell papers.

It's a bit demoralising for a 35 year old like myself when someone you have idolised for years, does something so deplorable that you are cancelling your membership and reaching for the sick bag. 
Imagine how the kids feel when the bloke on the back of their jersey is getting locked up for the night, then spewing a teary apology to Gus Gould on the "Footy Show".  It sucks.

What's wrong with realising the opportunity you have as a professional athlete.  Embrace it, enjoy it.  Have a FEW free drinks.  Believe SOME of your own hype, but not too much.  GIVE something back to the fans that fork out a large lump of their weekly budget to see you do your thing.

Let's return to the days of clambering for an autograph and a picture with a football player (example sport only), not sticking up our middle finger at them and calling the cops. 

I hope the increase of knobs in sport starts to decrease in a similarly rapid manner to my hairline......Tragic.

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