
Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's time to go...steeple chasing?

Every now and then I'll write a post about a subject that I know absolutely nothing about, but still have an  opinion on.  This is such an entry.

I would never say that I 'm an animal activist, but I'm definitely an animal lover.  I would also say that I enjoy horse racing and the occasional punt on the nags.  With these two points out in the open, I'm not sure if I'm hypocritical by saying that steeple chasing should be banned.

If you've ever been to a jumps race and witnessed a horse (or two) fall, I'm sure you will share my sentiments.  All sports have risks, some greater than others.  The difference being people get a choice in whether they participate...horses don't.

I know I sound like a fool by endorsing horse racing, then bagging steeple chasing.  I guess falls and horse deaths in gallops are quite rare.  The horses are well looked after and are basically required to run as fast as they can...that's it.  It's a display of the power, beauty and elegance of these magnificent animals and a heart pumping sport to boot.

Steeple chasing horses also get looked after well no doubt, but are basically race horses that didn't quite make the grade.  These horses are required to run their guts out over huge distances, whilst also clearing ridiculously high fences.  It's almost like they are set up to fail.

In 2000 I attended the the famous Grand National Steeplechase in the Northern UK.  At the time I was blown away by the excitement of the event.  Over 100,000 people were at Aintree to watch the famous race, it was bloody massive.  I remember there was roughly 20 horses in the race and every jump was carnage.  Memory tells me that approximately 5 horses crossed the post that day...the rest falling.  Granted I had a few beers under the belt, but I remember thinking "how can people enjoy this".

Have a read of this snippet I found following this years Grand National:

Two horses died during the Grand National race last weekend and another was fatally injured at an earlier race in the three-day Grand National meeting.
Many are outraged at the deaths and the racing community's unwillingness to make real changes to address the problem. The deaths are par for the course in the Grand National meeting, with a total of 33 equine deaths since 2000. In that time period, 2004 was the only year in which no horses died during or as a result of injuries sustained during Grand National races.
The Grand National is the main event during the three-day meeting at Aintree Racecourse near Liverpool, England. The historic steeplechase dates back to the 1830s and remains a highly popular social event despite controversy. The race consists of 30 fences ranging from 4'6" to 5'3" over 4 ½ miles. Forty horses started in this year's Grand National, but only 19 finished.

Speaks for itself!

A few weeks ago in Victoria, the melting pot for this controversy in Australia, one of the horses jumped a barrier into the crowd, injuring quite a few patrons.  Perhaps this petrified animal was either trying to escape its fate or simply saying, "screw this, you get out there and risk your neck".  Either way it was another ugly look for the under fire sport.

I am aware that their are trainers, strappers, bookies, jockeys and many more that make their living from this sport and will tell you that the stats show only a tiny number of gee gees are killed per race.  One horse death is disturbing enough for me and what about the kids that witness the horror of a horse fall.

As I said earlier, this topic is not one of my strong suits, but it's something that bothers me every time I see a stomach churning fall on the news.  I'm pretty sure that it is banned in most states, so why not Australia/World wide?  There are hundreds of websites that display facts, figures and images that back up my amateur case.  Take a look...see what you think.

Hurting animals for our own entertainment is lame (pardon the pun).  I'm sure those who hunt for sport may disagree.  I'd like to hear from them and why they enjoy the pursuit.  I'm not a vegetarian or vegan and I have have been known to squash a bug or three.  

Does this make me a hypocrite?...Who cares!... I like to have a few bob each way...Tragic!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Ad's. I've thought about this for a while too and definitely believe that Steeple Chasing should be totally banned.
