
Monday, July 4, 2011

The Girls Are Alright.


This week I lay my feminine side on the line for all to see.  As you know by now, I'm not ashamed at what I post on this blog and this weeks entry will confirm just that.

Women's sport is pretty good to watch...in fact, I quite enjoy it!  Now before you super Aussie mega-blokes start calling me a big woolly woofta and telling me to go grow a beard, give me a chance to plead my case.

There was a time when women's sport was merely a token fixture..sorry ladies but it's true.  Girls sport was a politically correct centre piece on the table of world sport.   It was never taken seriously by anyone apart from the participants and generally failed to capture the imagination of the sports loving public.

I'm here to inform you that times have changed...the girls are here and they're making a statement!  Women's sport today is not only popular...but enjoyable.  The high standards set by the fairer sex, has made the world stand up and take notice.

The introduction of national girls leagues in cricket, soccer and netball has given the countries best athletes something to strive for.  Increased funding in these and already established sports such as basketball has allowed the stars of the game to become more professional.  If women are given the chance to pursue their chosen sports full-time, then they will be able to train more, improving their skills and ultimately elevating their sport to a higher level. 

Female tennis has become a hard hitting slug fest, with the muscle bound sheilas giving the fluffy gold sphere a pasting.  The serving is bigger, the rallies longer and the winners more breathtaking.  The shorter matches make women's tennis an exciting package to view on the box.  The only negative I can see is the ridiculous grunting....you can't have everything!

Netball is fast and rough as guts.  The stadiums are packed and the televised matches have great atmosphere.  Clever marketing by channel One, has seen the big streak, Luke Darcy of AFL fame injected into the coverage team.  They are trying to win over a few blokes and no doubt have done so with the slickly presented game.  Let's face it...chicks in short skirts bashing each other...sounds watchable!

Golf is another example I'll use.  Not only do you have the "Super Granny", Laura Davies, smacking the little white thing 300m, but there's a host a upcoming young Tigress's that are threatening to take the game by storm.  To be honest, there's bugger all difference between watching men's and women's golf.  I'd rather watch a bunch of 20 something year old ladies strutting around a course than a pack of middle aged men waddling their way round.  You getting my drift?

Now before you call up a bunch of dudes to come round, paint each others nails, have pillow fights and watch the ladies tennis, settle down.  The point I'm making is that the days of channel surfing, stumbling over the WNBL for example and then quickly moving on should well and truly be a thing of the past.  Women's sport has really come a long way. It showcases talent, aggression, grace, beauty, strength, excitement and a handbag full of brilliance.

I'm not going to say girls deserve equal prize money...that's another bowl of goldfish, but they have earned the right to equal air-time.  Women's sport is no longer the "chips with no dip".

If you don't believe me, see for yourself...tragic.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more Tragic. As a father of 2 girls who are into there netball, I couldn't help but get into it myself. After watching all manner of games from my own daughters Saturday and Representative games to a regional competitition that her Rep Coach plays in, right up to attending a couple of Firebird matches, I couldn't help myself from watching the recent World Championships from Singapore (Go the Diamonds). The games are getting more brutal and bitchy. Gone are the days of a Non Contact Sport, (this is what it is taught to the juniors as) Instead of using hands and feet on there opponent the girls are using their whole body, It can get very interesting.
    I can only imagine that other girls sports are going the same way
